Author: cgul(weeeeeeee)
Release date: unknown

This is the WEEKLY UPDATE vol. 2.

* TOP STORY: "CRISIS JUST NEARLY AVOIDED!" After many hours in negotiations Rockhard has announced that he and the bots have reached a collective salary and benefits agreement. The Bots, with their quiet and not often seen leader Desiloch, were asking for an extended health plan and a 15% increase in pay. Details about the agreement are still coming in but thanks to Rockhard's good work we are going to have Bots to shoot at! Has anyone noticed that they are tougher? This author feels that this isn't the end of the story and there are more events to come.

* Olympic Report: Due to the olympics and the success of the Austrian team, Missy has been missing from the servers. This has caused a huge strain on the community and I don't think it could handle another incidence of this in 2 years. Our crack team of negotiators is currently in talks with the IOC to get UT (1 or 2) included in both the winter and summer olympics. We will keep you posted on how things are going.

* THC set a new record this week. Missy has jumped where no man has jumped before. However there have been some complaints from Archon and Ares who say this isn't new and that their grandfathers used to go up there all the time. The following is a passage from their grandfather's diary: "Today we shot down 4 newbies with these new fangled 'machine guns'. After, Zeus and I went up onto the ledge in front of the wooden scoreboard and had some tea...." THC quickly responded to this challenge by saying "HUH?" and then just shot Archon and Ares to bits.

* For all those geeks out there. Yes, Tech from Star-Trek is here in our lifetime! For those of you who missed it: THEY HAVE INVENTED TRANSPARENT ALUMINUM!
( http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/02/20/0358206&mode=thread )

UPDATES From LAST WEEK's News Letter

* REH MRA Lost and Found is still asking for you to come bye and see if you have lost anything. Please, even if you don't think you have lost anything, drop by and look for stuff you might want.

* TIME IS RUNNING OUT! The UT-FARTS is extending the submission dates for the art competition until saturday morning, so get those submissions in fast. Remember that submissions will be accepted in any of the categories as long as they are loosely related to UT Photoshop should never be ruled out!

* The Spring Break food drive was a huge success! We gathered a huge amount of food for the local foodbank. Please remember again that next time we DO NOT want body parts collected from the servers! I think the person who donated those parts, knows who they are, s3mi.

That is all for this week.

Submissions for the WEEKLY UPDATE maybe sent somewhere.
*** Disclaimer, most, if not all of this is a complete fabrication of a very strange mind.